Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Dossier Day

The numbers are in!

I have received a list of the students participating in the Santiago program. From across the pond are three Danes, one Norwegian and an Aussie. Home-grown pupils include a clutter of Californians, an eminence of East-coasters, and a miasma of mid-Westerners. Also, several students from the University of Nevada, Reno, out of which University Studies Abroad Consortium (which runs the program) operates.

Only one Wisconsinite, from UW Superior (I didn’t know Wisconsin went that high), and me, the Land of Lincoln's lonely liaison.

In other news, I’m working on speed-showering for the benefit of my host family's water budget. My best official time is 3:30, but I think I broke the three-minute mark this morning (I didn’t clock it because it was on a whim during a Gilmore Girls commercial).

1 comment:

Kevin said...

You have to do the "rinse, turn off water, rinse, turn off water" cycle. Its good times.