Friday, December 5, 2008

52 Pick-up

USAC was good enough to take us out for a cena de despartido last night. I suggested we make it a semi-formal affair (why not?), and the results were mixed. It was a hell of a time.

There are worse things in life than living in a bustling foreign capital with fifty-ish like-minded, adventurous, and friendly kids.

The truth of it is, I'm starting to wonder if there's anything better.

Today I'm finally taking the bus west to Casablanca to visit Orlando, a friend of my father's from his California days. After that, a long weekend of worrying about finals, followed by finals, followed by Patagonia. On Tuesday the 23rd I'll board a flight from Santiago to Milwaukee by way of Peru, Ecuador, Miami, and Charlotte, awkwardly and hesitantly closing the Chile chapter of my life.

I guess readers can expect posts to be infrequent from here on out, if present at all. I hope this has been as enjoyable to read as it was to write, but fat chance enjoying it as much as actually being here. I am a little curious who's been following, so if you feel like it, post your name in a comment. I think my first-grade teacher might have gotten ahold of the URL, so, if you're out there Mrs. Chrisman, hello.

I'm sure I'll post some phenomenal, stunningly enlightened finale, probably on Christmas day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has been impressive.
It's been a lot of fun keeping up with you through this.
